According to recent state estimates, one in four New Yorkers is now struggling to put food on their table. These numbers are shocking, and they encompass our family members, friends, coworkers and our neighbors. Food insecurity is impacting children, retirees, single parents and people working two, and even three, jobs. In a country and a… Read more
Any visitor to the New York State Capitol building can see the colorful history of power and politics captured in the murals and portraits that adorn the halls. But we’re in the midst of a transformative shift. The traditional power brokers in Albany — three men in a room — are just like those murals… Read more
Imagine you’re the captain of a massive ship. You wouldn’t wait for a storm to hit before figuring out where your life jackets are, right? Or if there are enough for everyone on board? Being ready was the key idea behind a recent disaster preparedness exercise The Martin Group facilitated with National Fuel, Western New… Read more
Home is more than a spot on a map. Ask any New Yorker — there’s a reason “where does upstate begin?” is hotly debated. It’s the same reason Buffalonians will correct anyone who dares say they’re upstate. (They’re in Western New York, thank you very much.) It’s because each geographic location — a person’s original or… Read more
In terms of state policy, not many New Yorkers want to know “how the sausage is made” – a term used to describe the wonky and often unsavory process behind passing legislation. But there is a small circle of journalists, lobbyists, advocates, and Albany enthusiasts who can’t get enough of it. The Martin Group’s Public… Read more
Why this is the year to create a crisis communications plan, or update the one you have “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger—but recognize the opportunity.” -President John F. Kennedy Ready or… Read more
As the New York state budget season has finally come to a close, we’re looking back on our work with the New York State Restaurant Association (NYSRA) on one of the budget’s most high-profile issues, passing alcohol to-go, and shedding some light on the strategies and tactics of the groundbreaking and successful campaign. Alcohol to-go… Read more