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Employee Spotlight: Amy Strzelec

Frank Conjerti
March 11, 2019

At The Martin Group, we understand that remarkable work comes from teams comprised of exceptional individuals. Meet Amy Strzelec – an exceptional individual indeed – who joined our Buffalo office as Project Director. 

Where are you from originally?

Born in Buffalo, and raised all over the country, Boston, North Carolina, and settled in Atlanta for most of my childhood.

Do you have any kids?

Yes, I have two daughters. Nine and seven years old.

Who or what inspired you to work in advertising/communications?

I have always loved the agency world. There is no other job like it: the creativity and collaboration – the work. Being able to use my right and left brain all in one day is something I have always enjoyed. There is nothing like really good design and creative, like the original Apple campaign or the Right Hand Ring campaign. I just love it.

What do you do outside of work? Do you have any hobbies or special interests? How do you spend your free time?

I have two daughters whom I adore; we ski, snowshoe, swim and love to be outside. We read and cook together. They are my world. I like to run and lift weights, I cook, garden, read books, and I have an amazing circle of friends. Also, music. I always have music on and sing in my car, at least when I am alone. Love to travel and have adventures.

What do you love about working at The Martin Group?

The best thing about TMG is the people who work here. Smart, savvy, creative, and super hardworking. Always willing to step up and get it done. And we have fun.

What is the top travel destination on your bucket list?

Italy is by far my favorite place in the world, but I’ve been there five times so for my bucket list, I would say Alaska.

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